Sunday, December 11, 2016

Staying Winter illness/injury free

Ever dread the winter months? It could either be the fridged temperatures or risk of getting sick? Its an all too real thing.

Lets start with the cold. Its like somebody left the freezer open right? So cold to where you can flick your car door and break a finger. Well the winter doesn't have to be that bad. I usually see and have heard about people breaking their tailbones on ice. Well over the past few years I have found these tips to be helpful.

1)First off neutralize you're center of gravity. With this I mean walk flat footed with shorter and possibly slower steps than what is normal. Plus keeping your center of mass over the toes can prevent you from slipping backwards.

2)Another thing I recommend to do is walk in the snow opposed to the ice. A visibly snowy side walk is always safer than a shiny/icy one. Also If theres any snow patches on a parking lot or street try to step on the snow. These tips will definitely help is the night when temperatures are freezing.

Now you must be saying there must be more right? Other scary things about the winter? Well you're right and that’s the topic of illness. For many of us our immune system is not up to paar in the winter. People get colds and lets say the flu. Well a great way that I've found to stay fit and not sick are the following:

1)I keep my nutrition clean. I know this may sound like a generic tip, but it definitely in fact works. Throughout 2016 just by loosely following the Paleo Diet I resulted not becoming sick as much as any other year. This was due to my consistency with eating lean foods and drinks with no sugar that my body processes well. In return my immune system was boosted. Even though I did have the stomach flu once back in april, it wasn't nearly as bad as my family's. I only had this occurrence for a day, while they had it for almost a week. I largely say that my fitness training and diet helped my immune system to properly function. As you can tell I am very thankful for that.

2)Wipe down your equipment when exercising. We coaches say this a lot. Nobody wants a soaked kettle bell or dirty barbell. Just by disinfecting the equipment you will not only ensure it is clean, but you can possibly ward off sicknesses and bacteria from spreading. Trust me nobody wants to be sick while their doing a WOD.

Remember we coaches want to see you thrive and perform well. As always stay safe outside, meaning driving or walking. (Remember 4 wheel drive does not mean 4 wheel drive stop. You can still lose traction and slide uncontrollably. Even if you trust your driving watch out for others with not as ideal cars. They can pose a danger of not stopping as well.) And please wipe down the equipment. It only takes a few moments to do which can benefit us all!

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