Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Energy Systems

Have you ever wondered why workouts are programmed the way they are? Lets take a tabata workout for example. Whats the purpose in mind? Well we will be taking an in-depth look at the 4 energy systems available in this article. ...

If we look at an energy system standpoint we will find that the ATP-PC provides us with short term energy. This is used between 0-20 seconds for explosive movements. Some say it can be extended to 30 seconds, but if you look at sprinting specifically the acceleration decreases at 20+ seconds. This primarily utilizes and can resynthesize the ATP stores when rest is included. To isolate this system one should rest for a ratio of about 1:16 (work to rest).

The next is anaerobic glycolysis which ranges from 30 seconds to about 120 seconds. This system continues to burn carbohydrates and can be targeted in workouts such as Fran. Fran is an example since this should be achieved in about 2 minutes and not 10+ minutes. This workout should be scaled appropriately to utilize this system. To target this system a rest interval should be about 1:8.

The next is aerobic glycolysis which extends from 2 minutes to nearly 4 minutes. This primarily utilizes glycogen for fuel. An AMRAP (As Many Reps Possible) in 3 minutes will target this. This can be targeted with a ratio of 1:4 (work to rest).

The last is the aerobic/oxidative system which can sustain activity from 4 minutes to however long a duration might take. A 5k for example will utilize this system. Rest for this duration should be short until the total work is accomplished.

We hope this gives a simple idea of how we utilize our energy systems for various activities.

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