Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Importance of Knowing how to Bail

In the box we coaches always strive to reinforce proper and safe movement patterns, but what if lets say a lift doesn't go smooth. Well were here to show ways to "bail" or "dump" the weight in a safe manner that will reduce the chance of an injury. Take for example myself for instance. As an athlete I grew up racing in Motocross. I was scared of falling until I learned how to fall properly. Same goes for our various exercises in the box. Our confidence is only as strong as our knowledge in what can occur.


Lets start with the ways how to dump simple movements such as the act of dropping the weight forward and stepping back, which are a great option for a failed front squat, clean, snatch, and overhead squat. The act of dropping the weight backward and stepping forward can be used in the back squat, snatch, and overhead squat as well.


Now the importance of mobility in our rotator cuff will become very apparent when dumping the bar behind us in a snatch. Please take note that this isn't the most ideal way to dump the bar. We recommend bailing in front of your body so you can keep an eye on your weight. This will reduce the chances of the barbell becoming a homing missile launching towards another athlete around you. The pass through movements with the pvc or bands will mobilize your rotator cuff and GH joint thus reducing the likelihood of dislocating or damaging your shoulder when dumping the bar.


Try out the above ways to dump the weight with either a pvc or light manageable weight. There will be a video posted along with this journal entry covering the proper ways to bail.

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